Handle: Blue/White mammoht scales Blade: Fulltang Stainless damascus (Damasteel) grinded by carlMichael Sheath: Rawhide leather
Handle: Blue/White mammoht scales Blade: Fulltang Stainless damascus (Damasteel) grinded by carlMichael Sheath: Rawhide leather
Handle: Twist damascus Blade: Meteroite damascus Sheath: Mammot tusk Stand: Walrus Will son be available at http://bladegallery.com/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=1048&cat=Almqvist%2C+Michael
Handle: Curley Birch, Mammoth Blade: Damascus steel by Roger Bergh Sheath: Curley Birch
Handle: Mammoth tusk, Damaskus steel Sheath: Shaft leather Blade: Damaskus steel by Magnus Jönsson Kommer snart finnas till salu på Bladegallery i USA enligt länk nedan. Will son be available at http://bladegallery.com/shopdisplayproducts.asp?id=1048&cat=Almqvist%2C+Michael
Handle: Blue & White mammoth tusk Blade: Feather x 2 Damaskus by Roger Bergh Sheath: Shaft leather Will son be available at https://www.bladegallery.com/shopexd.asp?id=100437
Handle/Sheath: Reindeer antler Blade: Hybride Stainless whit a carbon steel spine. l
Handle: Walerus, mammoth x 2 Sheath: Rawhide leather Blade: Damascus by Kent Andersson
Handle: Banksia nut, mammoth allt stabilized. Blade: Stainless Sheath: Rawhide leather Price info at carlmichael (at) carlmichael.info
Handle: Birch burl & Mammoth Blade by Roger Berg Sheat: Salmon skin Price info at carlmichael(at)carlmichael.info
Handle: Mammoth, Damascus, Curley Birch. Sheath: Shaft leather Blade: Carbon steel mix whit stainless steel.